Gopio France


BG 9.18: Chapter 9, Verse 18 – Bhagavad Gita, The Song of God – Swami Mukundananda

गतिर्भर्ता प्रभु: साक्षी निवास: शरणं सुहृत् | प्रभव: प्रलय: स्थानं निधानं बीजमव्ययम् || 18|| gatir bhartā prabhuḥ sākṣhī nivāsaḥ śharaṇaṁ suhṛit prabhavaḥ pralayaḥ sthānaṁ nidhānaṁ bījam avyayam BG 9.18: I am the Supreme Goal of all living beings, and I am also their Sustainer, Master, Witness, Abode, Shelter, and Friend. I am the Origin, End, and

BG 9.18: Chapter 9, Verse 18 – Bhagavad Gita, The Song of God – Swami Mukundananda Read More »

Rama Coceal : «La traduction de la Bhagavad Gîta illustre la fluidité linguistique dans l’utilisation du Kreol Morisien»

C’est un événement sans précédent dans l’histoire contemporaine de la langue créole mauricienne. Il s’agit de la publication en kreol morisien du grand livre de l’hindouisme intitulé « Bhagawad kouma Li Eté » traduit et édité par Rama et Raumesh Prasad Coceal. Après la publication en kreol de la Bible, cette traduction d’un texte sacré

Rama Coceal : «La traduction de la Bhagavad Gîta illustre la fluidité linguistique dans l’utilisation du Kreol Morisien» Read More »

AKP-152 – Bhagavad Gita Kouma li Ete : enn travay tradiksion monimantal an Kreol Morisien | Le Mauricien

Simplicity and humility are said to be the nature of great souls, and so it was with Prajapita Brahma, the corporeal founder of the Prajapita Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya Vishwa Vidayalaya, known as Brahma Kumaris in short. Prajapita Brahma, whose given name was Lekhraj, had humble beginnings.  His father was a schoolmaster and he himself started

AKP-152 – Bhagavad Gita Kouma li Ete : enn travay tradiksion monimantal an Kreol Morisien | Le Mauricien Read More »

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